Do you own top quality items which you’d like to sell, or are you interested in selling goods following a valuation? Vintage Expert will either pay you in cash, or arrange the sale for you on consignment.
We will arrange the sale for you in exchange for a commission when you sell items through Vintage Expert on consignment: A pre-agreed percentage of the sale price. This means you won't just be reaching a larger audience of potential buyers through reliable channels, but you also won't need to worry about all the practicalities, as Vintage Expert will arrange everything for you. There’s every chance you’ll end up with a better price, without having to take any of the risks yourself.
Goods don't always have to be antique, rare or vintage. We also value, buy and sell everyday items. Large or small lots, Vintage Expert welcomes all goods. You will often save a great deal of time, as you won't need to arrange the sale yourself.
Selling your goods through us won’t just relieve you of a multitude of practical worries. It also means you won’t need to welcome people in your own home. Nor will it be necessary to figure out how to arrange payments and then be left wondering whether you’ll actually end up receiving your money. Selling items via Vintage Expert therefore isn’t just easy, it’s certainly also safe.